Thursday, January 7, 2016

Beads, beads everywhere!

Every time I think I am close to getting all the different kinds of beads in my shop, they create a new one.  I can't keep up with them.  Single hole, double hole, verticle holes, horizontal holes, my head is going to explode.

The seed beads are pretty easy.   One hole, no problem....unless you don't know which size you need.  In beads that are used for stringing, their sizes are by milimeter.  Easy, right?  The bigger the number, the bigger the bead.  Seed beads, though, have to be different. They do not go by their measurement but by a number, 15, 11, 8, and so on.  Now you would think 15 would be the biggest, right?  Nope.  Size 15 seed beads are smaller than let say 11 or 8's.  So the higher the number in seed beads and the smaller the bead gets.

Then we have regular seed beads and Delica seed beads.  Regular seed beads are rounded.  If you get a reputable bead like Miyuki or Toho, they will be pretty uniform. They work well in any bead weaving stitch, although I like Delicas for Peyote better.

 Delica beads, made by Miyuki, are cylinder beads that fit together perfectly when doing peyote.  And since I LOVE Peyote, I love delica beads.  We have a wonderful selection in our shop and on our website.  Of course, I still can never find the color in my head, haha.

When doing a project, Miyuki and Toho seed beads work good together.  I wouldn't use Delica's with other seed beads if you want everything to be perfectly flat, like in Peyote.

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